The Marine Corps Aviation Association (MCAA) is a 501(c)(19) non-profit organization that recognizes professional excellence in Marine aviation, educates the public on its history and heritage, safeguards its future by publishing the recipients of the 28 Marine Corps Aviation Awards annually, and supports the fraternal bond of its membership.

Bring together Marines and civilians who support the mission of Marine aviation and its duty in protecting our Nation.

Connect our membership to an increasing community of like-minded professionals, supporters, and subject-matter experts.

Recognize that we are better as a whole by welcoming All ranks and All Marine air MOSs.

Educate the public on the Marine air and its unique skillset within today’s Marine Air-Ground Taskforce.

The origins of the Marine Corps Aviation Association (MCAA) began with veterans from the First Marine Aviation Force, who served in aviation in World War I (prior to 11 November 1918), and later formed the First Marine Veterans Force Association (FMAFVA). The FMAFVA membership was limited to aviation veterans of World War I.
As the years passed and the number of World War I aviation Marine veterans continued to decrease, FMAFVA leadership became concerned that no one would be left to protect the legacy, lineage, or future of Marine aviation. As a result, in 1972, the FMAFVA voted to charter MCAA and open its membership to All Marines, Their Families, and Anyone who had a vested interest in supporting the mission of Marine aviation.